The Stroller Challenge – Keeping A Stroller Can Be As Easy As It Seems

Keeping a stroller can be frustrating at times.

I’m sure as parents, we have experienced that ‘panic attack’ when our strollers don’t collapse as quickly or smoothly as we wished.

On 7th July, Baby Jogger held The Great Stroller Challenge to determine which stroller is the preferred stroller for a busy and fast-paced city like Singapore. 16 different taxi drivers came forward for this challenge to determine which strollers is the most convenient (in terms of speed and weight) stroller to collapse and keep in the car boot.

baby jogger stroller challenge

3 strollers, 1 challenge
Baby Jogger City Mini, Bugaboo Bee+ and Stokke Scoot

Baby Jogger City Mini was the highest voted and most preferred stroller for taxi drivers in the challenge, due to its quickfold technology – one pull and it collapsed easily. Taxi drivers also feel that City Mini was light, making it easy to lift in and out of the car boot.

baby jogger stroller

The Bugaboo Bee+ was the second favourite followed by the Stokke Scoot.

Photo credit to Glenn Lim