12 Items That A Home Should Have – Toddler Edition

things that a toddler needYour little baby has reached a new milestone and is finally walking on his own! They are known as a toddler now. No more waking up in the middle of the night for feeding. This age is commonly known as the cutest age for a child (supposedly).

Things are not how it used to be, with a toddler moving around the house. You probably have to quickly pack away all the out of reach products like bottle sterilizer and probably also the changing table. Toddler needs a much bigger space to explore and also, a whole new set of ‘toddler stuff’. If you’re not planning to have another baby, now is the chance to pack all the baby items and give them away. Your toddler deserves his own space as well as these 12 must-have items!

Item #1 – Play Areaexpose children to reading at a young age

It will be easier for you if you create a dedicated space in your home that your toddler can play safely in. It saves you a lot of energy than if you were to hover around your toddler because there are so many small or dangling items around that might pose as potential dangers to the clueless child. Get down to your toddler’s height, be sure that his play area has no sharp corner, no unprotected electrical outlet, no ‘adult clutter’ but only his own play items. The area can be marked out by a play mat or shelves (that are securely fastened against the wall).

Item #2 – Rotating Play Stations

A toddler explores a lot – having the same toys in the play area will not hold his attention and you don’t want him to start exploring your electronic devices or the objects in your kitchen! If your home allows it, create a few different play stations in the different rooms or corners around the house, for example, he can have a little library corner in the study room and play corner with different toys in the living room. If having a simple setup is not possible, have different types of toys in boxes. Once you see him lose interest in the current toy box, change the toys.

Item #3 – Toddler Bed

If your toddler has grown out of his baby bed, get a bigger one that can accommodate them till preschool age (at least). Especially if you’re trying to get them to sleep on their own, having a new bed complete with their favorite decoration may just be the thing to motivate your toddler to be a big child. The other reason to get a new bed for your toddler is when the existing one has spoilt or has loose hinges or screws – never put your toddler in a bed that’s not safe. If you are trying to potty-train your child as they go diaper-less at night, ensure that the bed is lined with a bed cover (there are those that are cotton for the upper layer and water-proof for the bottom layer).

Item #4 – Potty

potty trainingToddler age is about time to start potty training. Look out for signs to show that your child is ready. Have a potty located near to a night light so that your toddler can use it conveniently at night. There are many types of potty available, from affordable to expensive price range. Choose one of suitable height for your child.

Read more: How To Potty Train Your Child In One Week

Item #5 – Toilet Seat and Stool

If you are familiarizing your toddler with the standard toilet seat, it is good to get a potty seat that fits on top of the regular toilet seat. You could even bring this out so that going to the toilet in the shopping mall will be more manageable for your toddler. Also, place a stool in the washroom so that your child can rest his feet when he’s on the regular toilet seat. It is also safer to get a toilet seat lock to ensure that your toddler will not fall. The last thing you want to see, is your child developed a phobia for using the bathroom.

Item #6 – Non-Slip Bath Mat

When your toddler is able to stand steadily, you can shower him and opt for a non-slip bath mat to prevent slipping in the bathroom. You can also get toys suited for toddler play like, wheels or fish that rotate as the water runs down. Remember, safety remains a priority! An adventurous toddler can run into many misadventures. Do not fill tubs or buckets with water and leave them unattended. All chemicals and detergents in the bathroom should be out of reach to your toddler.

Item #7 – Safety Gate

Once your toddler starts wandering on his own, it is important to install safety gates at places where you do not want your child to enter on their own, for example, between the different rooms, the kitchen and the stairs. Choose safety gates that must be screwed into the walls or handrails. These types of gates are the most secure cannot be easily dislodged by your child.

Item #8 – High Chair or Booster Seat

child feeding independentlyYour toddler should be given the opportunity to feed himself, even if it is a messy affair. Get a high chair of similar height to your dining table or a booster seat that can be attached to the chair, so that the whole family can dine together. A hair chair with detachable tray makes it easy for cleaning. Depending on your preference, you can also opt for a simple design or one that can be adjusted to become a toddler chair.

Item #9 – Kid-friendly Dining Set and Utensils

The typical dining set at home is not suitable for your toddler. To encourage independence, purchase a set of kid-friendly dinning set and utensils. Young children’s fine motor control is not fully developed yet, thus, utensils with thicker handles will be easier for them to grasp and feed themselves independently.

Item #10 – Kid’s Table and Chair

get child-sized furniture for your toddlerToddler will start to enjoy some table activities, though they will not be seated down for a long time due to their short attention span. They may start to engage in simple games, drawing activities and they may also work with simple puzzles. A comfortable child-sized table and chair may be more comfortable for your child. It does not have to be fancy, an old coffee table might just do the trick (if you don’t mind having scribbles all over it) and you add on a child-sized chair for your toddler to sit in.

Item #11 – Pushing Toys

We all know that toddlers are explorers and they are always on the go. Most toddlers love to move around from one point to another and a pushing toy may just be the perfect toy for these early-walkers and almost-walkers. These walker toys help to heighten your child’s gross motor development in a fun way! Bet they will love to bring their toys for a ride around the house! Be sure to supervise your child when he plays with a push toy.

Item #12 – Wardrobe and Shelves

Toddler is also the age when he wants to exert independence – he may want to choose his own clothes to wear or his own books to read. Have a simple wardrobe and shelf that is easy for your child to reach, and most importantly, secure and will not collapse if he pulls on it.

Toddler age is a time of great exploration – have designated areas for different activities and be sure that your home is safe for your toddler to explore. Have fun with your toddler, it is indeed a very special time before they are all grown up!

By Mei

Related Post: 12 Items that A Home Should Have – Baby Edition

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