12 Popular Mum Bloggers In Singapore

mums blogger

Mums spend a lot of time online – sometimes it’s the only way we can keep abreast of what’s happening around us, given how difficult it can be to go out regularly with young kids. Online platform is also where we gain and share experiences on parenting issues. Here are the top local mummy-blogs you might want to add to that online reading list!

1. Mum In The Making

mums blogger in singapore

Justina is mum to three little boys. She shares about her journey in motherhood and home-learning, her ventures into scrapbooking, crafting and photography, and her faith in God. Her love for the kids and family will inspire you in one way or another.

2. Mama Wear Papa Shirt

mum blogger in singapore

Mamawearpapashirt was started in early 2011, inspired by an amusing incident when June’s daughter saw her mum dressed in her dad’s shirt! The name is also symbolic of the many shirts that women wear – as wife, mother, worker, housemaker, and so on. Now a mum of three, with a six months old baby, it gives June great joy to share her stories of parenthood with other young mums who are on the same parenting journey, to encourage them on.

3. A Juggling Mom

mum blogger in singapore

Working parent often struggle with a work life balance especially when you have a young child to care for. Susan, a mum blogger of A Juggling Mom shares how she juggle between work and caring for her adorable girl, Sophie. Read more on the areas that she writes for – parenting, lifestyle, marriage, health and her exciting travelling experiences with her family!

4. Gingerbread Mum

mum blogger in singapore

All about parenting hits and misses, helmed by Adora, a freelance writer for parenting magazines shares her views and experiences on parenting. She runs a business that teaches kids to craft with recycled materials, and is mum to two lovely girls, Poppy and Calla. We love the different activities that she prepares for her children as well as the fun exploration around Sunny Singapore!

5. A Happy Mum

mum blogger in singapore

As the name suggests, Summer, a mum to two lovely kids is definitely a happy and positive one! We love the different adventures and full-filled activities that she embarked on with the children. She is definitely a hands-on mother, looking at all the beautiful and creative crafts that she has engaged in with her children. You can never get bored reading about Summer’s motherhood journey, who knows, you may be inspired like we did!

6. Olimomok

mum blogger in singapore

It’s an adventure with three little boys – Sean, Ryan and Baby Jordan in the family but Mummy Debra has it all under control. We simply love the cute little conversation she had with her children and the tons of lovely photos that capture the precious little moments. It is fun to read about her parenting journey and her family adventure!

7. Yannisms

mum blogger in singapore(Credit to The Beautiful Moment Photography)

This yummy mummy is both fabulously gorgeous (she said and we agreed!) and a great writer. Here, she shares about her difficult journey getting pregnant, and the joys and struggles of motherhood. She is now mum to a bubbly and engaging toddler and a new little baby! She and her husband also have two cats whom they adore, and consider them part of the family.

8. The Pleasure Monger

mum blogger in singapore

Rachel is a full-time SAHM and an avid baker who whips up all manner of delicious looking cakes, macarons and restaurant-worthy dishes in the comfort of her kitchen. Her other great loves are her husband M and daughter Faith, who will be turning two this year! Her blog chronicles the big and small moments in their lives, complete with precious moments beautifully captured along the way – some moments and ‘adventures’ that mums can relate to.

9. Homeschooling Sonshine

mum blogger in singapore

It’s not about homeschooling per se, but about home learning activities that this devoted mother does with her two children, who go by the monikers Sonshine and Babydoll. This blog consists of great ideas for parents who enjoy doing hands-on learning at home with your child. Young children are like sponge that absorbs information and knowledge faster that we adults do. After reading her posts, you might be inspired to embark on something fun and meaningful!

10. The Playful Parents

She calls herself the “play-at-home mum” to her two boys. SAHM Sarah loves to play and wanted her children to have the opportunity of a play-full childhood. As she strongly believes that play is a vital need of every child, parent and family, her blog aims to give readers fresh and fast ideas on how to keep playing with their children, and seeks to give them a platform to share their creative thoughts and experiences as well.

11. Simple Mommie

Angie, a former Junior College Teacher, now, a SAHM to two little children. She enjoys sharing her parenting thoughts, recipe and her children’s learning activities on her blog. All mums will be able to relate to Angie – how she left her job and focus all her energy towards caring for the children. Her words might struck a chord with your experiences.

12. Bumblebee Mum

It’s hard to stay sane and figure your way around as a SAHM in Singapore – especially if you’re breastfeeding your little one(s)! Here you’ll find a one-of-a-kind guide to nursing rooms, indoor playgrounds and other interesting stuff to keep that boredom and insanity at bay!

By Dorothea Chow and Crystal Tan

1 Comment(s)

  1. Hi, this is Bumble Bee Mum and it was a huge surprise and honour to be listed here. Thank you very much for the recognition. Would just like to let you know that I have my own domain now ( It would be great if you could update the link in the post. Thank you once again. :)

    Bumble Bee Mum on February 20, 2015 AT 12:51 am Reply

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